Spring - Uncover
During the Spring Term, our learning is driven through history and our enquiry question for the term is
"How does the past play a part in the future?"
This question allows us to build on our learning from foundation stage about this history of our family and ourselves and start to develop an understanding of the history in objects and things around us.
Our enquiries always have an authentic outcome. For us, an authentic outcome is a final piece of learning or presentation that brings together and celebrates our full term's enquiry. Our authentic outcome for this enquiry creating our own Toy Museum that our parents and carers are invited to to purchase the toys that we will have made for our outcome.
Our enquiry is also driven by language rich key texts that support our children's understanding of carefully planned genres. See below for the images of our key texts this term.

Knowledge Organisers
Our knowledge organisers are sent home at the start of each term and they show all of the sticky knowledge that we want our children to remember for their enquiry.
Sticky knowledge is the key knowledge that we have identified for our children to know, remember and understand. Remembering this key knowledge supports your child to access their enquiry and the curriculum itself.
See our knowledge organiser for each week's sticky knowledge and vocabulary that the children are learning.