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The Green Flying High Academy

The Green Flying High Academy

Make every day count

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Target: 96% Whole School:
Year 1
Year 2

Promoting Positive Behaviour

The Green Flying High Academy is committed to encouraging the best standards of behaviour at all times, both within and outside of school (e.g. school trips). Our vision of being a school that ensures we 'make everyday count' is evident through everything we do and in how we manage behaviour in the school.


Our primary aims are that every member of the school community feels valued and respected. Where everyone is treated fairly, in an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and valued. Our behaviour policy encourages children to become positive, caring individuals, responsible for their own behaviour and increasingly independent members of the school community. 


Our school charter is as follows:




We reiterate this charter consistently with our children to support their understanding of their personal responsibilities at school. Our school charter is displayed in classrooms and around school to encourage and remind children of our shared values. 


The Flying High Trust Values which we aspire to are:

       Aspiration                       Pride

       Confidence                    Responsibility

       Creativity                        Perseverance

       Enjoyment                      Kindness


Class Dojo:

At our school, we use ‘Class Dojo’, an online behaviour management system that fosters positive pupil behaviours and classroom culture. Children will earn ‘Dojo points’ based on their classroom conduct e.g. taking pride in their work, taking responsibility. The points are earned for demonstrating one of our Trust values in class and also for regular reading and completion of homework tasks.


Dojo Points and prizes:

These are awarded to children who earn a number of Dojo points in increments of 25. The children will will then get to choose a prize from the Dojo Shop as a reward for accruing these points!

The aims of our Behaviour policy are:


· To create an environment that encourages and reinforces good behaviour

· To define acceptable standards of behaviour

· To encourage consistency of response in dealing with behaviour

· To promote self-esteem, self-discipline and positive relationships

· To ensure that the school’s expectations and strategies are widely known and

· understood

· To encourage the involvement of both home and school in the implementation of this policy—see the Home School Agreement.


Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy 2024-2025
