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The Green Flying High Academy

The Green Flying High Academy

Make every day count

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Target: 96% Whole School:
Year 1
Year 2

Day to Day Information

School Uniform

Our school uniform consists of black or grey skirt or trousers, a white polo shirt and a black jumper or cardigan. PE kits should contain a white t-shirt, black shorts, plimsolls and clothes suitable for outdoor PE in the colder months (for example tracksuit and trainers). Earrings should be removed for PE, your child needs to be able to do this for themselves. Sweatshirts, cardigans, PE T shirts, book bags and PE bags are all available to buy directly from our suppliers here.

Security in School

The safety and security of children, staff and volunteers in school is a priority.  During the school day we ask all visitors to enter the school through the main office and to sign in.  All visitors are to wear a lanyard clearly stating they are a visitor.  All members of staff are alert to the need to check the identity of anyone not wearing a visitor lanyard on the school premises.  All adults regularly working on our school premises have been DBS checked in line with the Safeguarding Policy.


Your child's safety is of paramount importance.  We regularly review our safety procedures and ask for your co-operation in implementing the safety measures we put in place to safeguard your child.  It is important that you keep us informed about:

  • Changes of address or telephone numbers

  • Your child's medical details

  • Changes to emergency contact number
