Extended Services
We are pleased to be able to share the arrangements for our extended provision.
Breakfast club
The Green Flying High Academy Breakfast Club is run by staff at The Green and exists to provide high quality out-of-school hours childcare for our parents. It provides a range of stimulating and creative activities in a safe environment.
The club operates from 7.30am – 8.50am daily, term time only (excluding INSET days), and current costs for each session are £3.50 per child. Breakfast is provided until 8am.
To enquire or book a place please pop into the office and see Mrs James.
Alternatively call the school on: 01773 811465
or email the school on: info@green.derbyshire.sch.uk
Alternatively complete the policy below, drop it into the school office and make your payment via the online payment system - Parentpay
Safeguarding at Breakfast Club
Please ensure that your child is booked onto Breakfast Club by 3pm to preceding day. Your child's name will then be on the register and we will be expecting them. Children who are not booked on will be unable to access Breakfast Club as plan the number of staff around the children who have booked a place
All children must be dropped off at Breakfast Club by an adult and the adult must sign the child into Breakfast Club in the presence of a member of staff.
If a child arrives at Breakfast Club alone, normal safeguarding procedures will be followed and one of the school's designated safeguarding leaders, Miss Smith or Miss O'Brien, will immediately be alerted. Parents will then be contacted and in the event that we are unable to contact them, this will be reported as a safeguarding concern.
Dietary Requirements and Allergies
To access Breakfast Club, we require all parents to fill out the medical issues and dietary requirements form. It is a parent/carer's responsibility to ensure that all information we have about and for your child is up to date. School holds this information for your child already, but it is important that we add in that additional layer of safety for Breakfast Club to ensure our staff are aware of any requirements.
If your child has additional needs, Mrs James in our office will highlight this with our Breakfast Club staff when she compiles the register for the following day. If you wish to discuss any specific needs you feel your child may have in Breakfast Club, please contact the school office.
Breakfast Club Policy
After school club
After-School is available through JPAC. Please see below for a link to their website and contact information.