"The only way to learn maths is to do maths" Paul Halmos.
At The Green our maths curriculum is designed to develop numerate children who have a love and understanding of maths.
As a school we encourage a relentless pursuit of mathematical understanding and skill in order to help our pupils to become inquisitive and confident mathematicians. We have been working to embed the idea of mastery within our Maths teaching- encouraging children to develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.
Teaching for Mastery in Maths
We use the 5 big ideas for mastery when planning and teaching our mathematics curriculum. The image above is used as part of the planning process for individual lessons, but also with consideration for long term planning across school.
In EYFS pupils develop their concept of the number system through the use of concrete materials and pictorial representations. They experience practical calculation using a wide variety of equipment, e.g. small world play, role play, counters, cubes, ways of recording calculations using pictures, etc. Our Foundation 2 year group use Power Maths for Foundation Stage which supports their transition into Key Stage 1.
Key Stage 1
In Years 1 and 2, we use Power Maths as a basis of our maths lessons. This is an exciting mastery approach that has been recommended by the Department of Education to ensure that the aims of the National Curriculum are achieved. At the heart of Power Maths is the belief that all children can achieve. It rejects the idea that people simply ‘can’t do’ maths. It is built around hard work, practice and a willingness to see mistakes as learning opportunities.
Fluency in Maths
Daily Arithmetic Practice
In Years 1 and 2 children have the opportunity to practise arithmetic regularly through taught fluency sessions at least 4 times weekly.
Our focus on fluency is to first teach our children to be fluent mathematicians rather than just testing their fluency. We need to equip our children with rapid recall of number facts to then support their manipulation of number when applying this to their maths learning. Children revisit daily counting and pattern counting across school, working up to times table recall in Year 2.